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Awaiken Astrocast Season 2!

  Can't believe I took so long but the 3rd and final installment of our relationship archetype discussion is out! This is the best one b...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Mars moves in...

Mars joined Saturn in Aquarius where it will be until May 13th and here is the piping hot tea. ☕️Everyone has spent a period of feeling totally lost in this new world and believe me we’re all in the same boat right now. Mars and Saturn are like those friends that pull you out of your grief after a break up. Mars makes you wash your face, put on clothes and eat a real meal. Mars is saying “Hey, I know this sucks, but you still hafta wash your @$$ and get on with it and the bar opens at 6 so let's go!” 💁‍♀️. Saturn is sitting on your bed, waiting on you saying, “Are you wearing that? I don’t think so, those shoes will be killing you in an hour, go back and try again” 🙅‍♂️

In other words, we are aiming to figure out our new lives in our current circumstances and Mars is fueling us to action. Our friend Saturn wants to make sure our approach is disciplined, and long term thinking like applying for unemployment, checking the status of our finances, making sure the kids understand how online classes work, and if we half a$$ it, we will only have to do it again because….yep you guessed it, Saturn is not here for the shenanigans. 😉 Also, both being in Aquarius, this affects the collective so check on your friends and fam even if it’s on Skype or Zoom - share your information to those who need it. Work with it – it's good energy. 🦋

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