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Sunday, May 3, 2020

MAY DAYS! Word on da curb monthly forecast.

Holy moly its May ya'll!!! We have been inside for two whole damn months! Welp, get ready for some shake ups and plot twist because this month we have some retrogrades, planets taking their places in new signs some fun aspects too - lets get into it.
The whole north node thing moving (ya know no big deal - just kidding - big deal)
So the north mode is moving to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on 5/5 meaning the north node will set up camp in Gemini and the south node in Sagittarius. Check your chart to see where this will effect you personally but broadly Gem/Sag polarity is about what we discover or learn (Gemini) versus what we know of intuit (Sagittarius). It's about where can we go locally (Gemini) versus where can we go internationally (Sagittarius). Its about validating (Gemini) and not hanging on to old points of view (Sagittarius). Fitting for today's times, eh. Basically its like having an old recipe passed down from generation to generation and now you want to experiment. Would those muffins taste better if you added some apple sauce, why yes, they very well could even if that does change from Great Nana's way of doing things. Now plug in racism, classism and sexism into that same metaphor. Some old ideals will fall through Sag (the south node) and new thoughts will be created (Gemini). Speaking of Gemini..
It's a Gemini thang baaabbbay!
May seems very Gemini centric even though we are still knee deep in Taurus. Get ready for this energy because it. is. everywhere this month. On 5/11 Mercury moves to Gemini, its natural placement, where we get a boost in communications, curiosity and thinking. Gemini/Gemini risings will never be so talkative as with this placement and believe me their mouths won't be the only lips buzzing. Venus goes retrograde in Gemini on 5/13 (More on that below) there is a new moon in Gemini on 5/22 and the sun enters Gemini on 5/11.
Venus goes backwards!
The Venus retrograde starts on May 13 - Jun 25. So what does this mean because Jupiter rules beauty, love, and money? Welp - if you are going to do any major beauty changes I would do it now before 5/13 - jus saying. Also there is some talk about not starting a relationship during a Venus retrograde and not getting married etc. I don't know if I would go quite that far, it's a little more nuanced than that but I would just say keep your eyes open if you're starting something new and keep your eyes on your wallet so you don't overspend. What you can count on is that much like Mercury in retrograde, ex's will be falling from the skies and you will get to relive your recent love themes...so yeah...enjoy that.
Saturn goes retrograde back to Capricorn!
On May 11 Saturn, goes retrograde in Aquarius. Well, we are going to be reliving some themes from the past few months, get ready folks. On the upside if you have felt any delays this could add some relief!
Pallas goes bass ackwards too..
Pallas the wonderful asteroid warrior of wisdom, justice, knowledge and understanding starts rolling backwards on 5/27. We will be rethinking some things and once again, potentially reviewing and restructuring. Like I can't make this up folks. This is energy for working with a new set of circumstances and reviewing decisions.
...And the cow jumped over the moon.
We have a full moon in Scorpio 5/7 - read about in the weekly and a new moon in Gemini 5/22.
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